testDheeraj Gosula

testDheeraj Gosula

I'm a freshman in Honors Computer Science and Engineering at the Ohio State University.

About Me

I'm currently studying my bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Engineering. I am involved in various student organizaitons including OHI/O, Software Development Club, and Artificial Intelligence Club.




Science Olympiad Website Project

Designed and created an online web page for a school organization with the use of HTML and CSS. Demonstrated Front-end development skill sets.

Iris Flowers Classification Project

Utilized various machine learning algorithms to evaluate the Iris Flowers Dataset. Implemented the project using Python, and utilized popular machine learning libraries such as Scikit-Learn and Pandas for data preprocessing, model training, and evaluation.

Perspective Generator Project

Utilized the OpenAI API to output three perspectives of a user's inputted opinion. Sanitized the user input, used common prompt engineering techniques to iterate on the prompt, evaluated different models, and passed the output to the UI.

Contact Me

You can reach me at gosuladheeraj@gmail.com or follow me on social media.